Useful information

How we find the most suitable candidates for you?

How we find the most suitable candidates for you?

The experienced team of recruiters in the Czech Republic and Slovakia has been working for many years to find the most ideal candidates. Foreign external agencies (Europe, Asia) are also helpful.

Before starting the search for and contacting relevant candidates, it is essential for us to discuss the request in detail with you, talk about the possible job´s offer specifics and agree on the sequence of the entire selection process.

This is followed by work with a high-quality and comprehensive database of candidates, the creation of advertising and its placement on leading job portals and social networks. Thorough work in processing responses and sorting suitable resumes and cover letters is a matter of course.

During the initial interview, we check the candidate's experience, personality and motivation for the new job. We are able to test the candidate's language skills. Upon request, we will submit additional tests to the candidate to verify special knowledge or professional orientation. We will also be happy to provide references for you. 

We are also in contact with the candidate in the following rounds of the selection process, advising, supporting and motivating.  We are also here for you – we are available for ongoing discussions about the selection process, we bring you our perceptions as well as candidate feedback from meetings at your place. If you are interested, we can also act as a mediator in the negotiation of contractual terms, salary, etc.

We are still interested in our candidate, even after starting the given job position. We are thus able to respond in a timely manner to any changes to the post and provide you with a relevant compensation, or bring another effective solution.

Permanent open communication, maximum flexibility and constant trust are essential for us.

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